Do you know that if you were born on the 29th November 2000 you are not Sagittarius but Ophiuchus? Or if that you were born that day in 1999, your real sign is Scorpio?
Not only there are 13 signs on the Zodiac, but they change from one year to other. Discover with ZODIAC APP your real sign.
With ZODIAC APP you will also know your sign in many other zodiacs, as the celtic or the Chinese.
For example, somebody who was born on the 29th November 2000 would be Sagittarius in the traditional zodiac, Ophiuchus in the real, his or her weapon will be the Bow in the Arabic, his or her element will be the Lead in the Alchemical, his or her tree will be the Ash in the Celtic, Dragon in the Chinese, Hathur will be his or her God in the Egyptian, Dhanus-Brishaspati in the Hindu, his or her animal totem will be the Owl in the Native American, Xul will be his or her God in the Maya and Babalu Aye in the Orisha one.