Ancient castles and cathedrals, lost ships and aircrafts, flying islands, cities and megalopolises, military basis, Egyptian pyramids, epic monuments and many other exciting objects and places are waiting for your exploration in this infinite Planet.
In this version of the game each change you make has its lifetime (Time To Live or TTL). When you put or remove block this change is rolled back after some period of time (TTL). The farther you are from the Spawn Zone the longer your changes will last. The average lifetime of a change is displayed at the top of the screen as the TTL indicator.
You cannot build or dig inside the Spawn Zone. All cubes inside the Spawn Zone have TTL value of 0. Thus to build something make sure to leave Spawn Zone where TTL indicator is greater than 0.
• One global infinite Planet made of cubes available to all users across the world
• Built-in chat in Multiplayer mode
• More than 20 player skins available