Do you find it hard to manage your expenses? Or is keeping record of your daily expenditure a headache for you? Then this application is for you! Keep a track of all of your expenses in this very efficient and useful application. You will never wonder where the money went by the end of the month. Keeping a tab on your daily expenses was never so easy! Now you can record you daily expenses with this application. There are six different categories of expense to choose from, and you can make your own too. Save daily, weekly, monthly records of expenses incurred. View the expense report either 'By Category' or 'By Item'.
Email the record of the expenditure to yourself or others. You can also attach a digital copy of a receipt of any specific spending. Take a pic of the bill and email it your id or to anyone. You can also check your history for references to past expenditure. It is efficient and easy to use. Manage the unmanageable!