Start tracking all expenses
i. Whenever you make any expense, ensure that you capture it in the ‘Enter Expense’ section.
ii. Click on ‘Enter Expense’ on Home Screen. Enter all the expense details. Ensure that you choose correct expense categories as it would be helpful later when you go through these expense details \n
b. Define personalized expense categories
i. Click on ‘Define Categories’ on Home Screen. Here, you will notice the existing expense categories. If you would like to add new category then you can use the ‘Add category’ option at the bottom of the screen.
c. Get detailed reports to identify your expense pattern
i. Click on ‘View Report’ on Home Screen. Here you will find reports for the expenses made ‘today’, ‘in last 7 days’ and more.
ii. You can also get summary of your expenses which will show the % of expense for each category.