Popular people is the best way to search for your favorite celebrity. Use the search or browse the lists of celebrity directories and picture archive.
If you have idols, people that you admire, look up to, and you want to share your liking and opinion with your friends.
On the other hand if there is famous person you don't like, and you want to share that as well, use Popular People, get involved, mark and comment.
If you want to get involved, Popular People introduce ability to vote for your favorites and criticize others.
There is one rule: You can star same person only one time per day.
Popular People offer search for celebrities.
We will provide you with basic information about celebrities, including images, article, age, date of birth, date of death, awords, works etc.
Also, we will provide you with the link to Wikipedia pages related to your search.
Post image and basic info on your social network wall,
if your friends click on your post, it will automatically