A wonderful program, you can take pictures of all your documents and wonderful papers, and after choosing the appropriate option for the image that you want to capture, then you can select the option to scale the image and then specify colors and then choose the appropriate modifications to the image, document, book or any image you want according to your choice
You can also take a picture of your identity or driving license and determine if you are taking a picture of the front and back of the document. You can also choose a lot of options. After completing these operations, you can save it if you want a PDF document or a normal image or in another way and you can send it to whomever you want without any problems
برنامج رائع يمكنك ان تلتقط صور لجميع مستنداتك واوراقك الرائعه و بعد اختيار الخيار المناسب للصورة التي تريد التقاطها بعدها يمكنك تحديد خيار تحجيم الصو