Mendi game in India is also popularly known as Dahar games or Hukam. Different group of people call it with different names or it sometimes also been called by the way it is played, for example the local people out there call it tase ka game or panna, while others call it by the game name. Meet this amazing, cool desi game Mindicot, on your mobile.
Rules to. Keep in mind
Mindi is designed for four players playing in two partnerships. The game uses a standard 52 card deck. The ranking of the cards in this deck are as follows (from high to low): joker (wild card), Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
The game has 1 deck mode, 2 deck mode, 3 deck mode and 4 deck mode.
Each mode has two sub modes "Katte Mode" and "Hide Mode".
Hide mode - The player to the dealer’s left selects a card placing it to table face down which will be declared as trump suit for that play.