Magzter 5.0 is your one-stop reading destination for both news and magazines, with all of your favorite content in one place! Now you can read News from around the world for free and also read more than 6,000 magazines from all over the world. We have launched News in selected countries, soon to be expanded to more regions.
The new Magzter News section lets you laser-focus on the topics that interest you by searching and selecting from thousands of keywords to follow all of the news on that topic. You get exactly the news you want, and you can even choose what sources you want to get your news from – in your choice of English or multiple languages!
The Magzter Magazines section lets you subscribe to any of your favorite magazines, or with our popular Magzter GOLD subscription plan you can get unlimited access to more than 2,500 magazines! Read as many magazines as you like for just one low monthly price, and with Magzter’s Family Plan you can share your Magzter GOLD subs