At TRAVY USA, You can easily buy vitamin, mineral , multi-vitamin products, health products of world-famous brands directly from iHerb website. Please take note that we are not iHerb App. We are part of the iHerb Rewards Program and are being compensated via this Program.
All the products are safe, certified and supplied from the real origins. TRAVY USA App also provides articles from iHerb , videos, recipes and food to enhance your knowledge on various categories.
To take advantage of the latest articles, videos, recipes, food, & herbs, install our application now and experience the convenience of ordering and learning with just a few clicks away.
TRAVY USA is not responsible for accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information presented within the app. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the app do not reflect the views of TRAVY USA and TRAVY USA does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same