So you want to be first to know of news about the showbiz, celebrities, popular actors, singers and other VIPs? This application will be your faithful companion!
We have included the world's most popular and reliable online sources for lifestyle, fashion and star system news. By accessing our RSS feeds, we guarantee you will know first hand for the latest news of the star system.
RSS news is the perfect way to stay up to date - it allows you to view news by title, image and summary and only if you are fully interested you can commit to reading the full story by loading the webpage of the news supplier.
We included more than 20 famous portals for celebrity news to add a huge variety of news sources for you. So, not only you will be able to see all news from all these sources but also cross-check them for better news reliability!
RSS news will stop the necessary hassle of browsing news through the device's browser.