"Greek Gossips" is the latest and best lifestyle news app in Greece.
We offer you a unique way to stay up to date in lifestyle, fashion, gossip and news from tens of reliable and popular news sources in Greece. These include popular web portals, news agencies, TV channels, radio stations and newspapers. You can stay informed and cross-check news between the sources, getting the most out of your everyday news check! You will always be up to date when it comes to all celebrities and VIPs in Greece!
RSS feeds is the ideal way for news browsing, especially nowadays that TV and radio news embed advertisements, sponsored content and show less of "real news" day by day. With our application, you can view a list of news entries and you can choose which you want to read and which you can ignore!
The articles that you choose to read will show a summary of the story, including possible images. If you feel interested for further information, you can load the website for the full story.