duriNews is a news aggregator that constantly updates and organizes the news and current events that are happening locally and internationally.
Top 5 Reasons to Download the duriNews App
1. Watch news and video of your favorite anytime, anywhere.
2. 24/7 with local and international news.
3. Introduction to the user interface.
4. News stories that matter most to you, with relevant, formatted content.
5. Easy to find and follow the sources you trust, as well as browse and discover new ones.
There are different languages to choose from, including Malaysian Chinese, Malay, Thai Chinese, Indonesian and Filipino.
In addition to different languages, we also provide different categories, such as international news, local news, sports, entertainment, politics, business economics and videos.
You are also welcome to visit our official website https://www.durinews.com. Or visit https://www.durinews.com/download/ to download the latest version.
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