"Wale Wallpapers" app brings you the most exclusive and the most beautiful free Wale wallpapers that can be found online.
"Wale Wallpapers" is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Wale, his agents or publishing house(s). This is 100% fan made application.
Some of the wallpapers have been adjusted from desktop versions to fit mobile phones perfectly. Other have been created from Wale photos and pictures publicly available on different hip hop wallpapers websites. Wale mixtapes covers have been used for creation of some wallpapers as well.
This app is created by real hip hop music lovers and fans for those who are the same as us.
If you are a true fan, put Wale photo on your phone desktop and show it to everyone!
If you have any questions, suggestions, request or comments do not hesitate to contact us at hiphopandroid@gmail.com
Enjoy Wale Wallpapers and if you like them, please rate the app!