Indonesian Fasting Calendar
is a calendar of sunnah fasts of all time, with this application we can when when we will fast like sunnah
* Fasting Monday Thursday
* Fasting Ayyamul Bidh
* The fast of Ashura
* Fasting on the day of Arafah
* The Tasua fast
* Tarwiyah fasting
* Rajab fast
* Dzulhijjah fasting
* Ramadan fasting
* Days that are forbidden to fast like
- The day of Eid
- Eid Al-Adha
- Tasryik Day (11,12,13 Dzulhijjah)
* Prayer schedule feature for several cities in Indonesia
* Change Wallpaper Themes that change every month
* Show / Date Date before / after month
* Displays / shows Button Before / After month
* Feature headed to Year / Month
* Add / edit / delete notes
* Description of each date when clicked
* Web about fasting
* National Holidays 2020-2021