It has a multiple application which people uses for their day to day lifestyle to communicate, socialize and for the entertainment . X mode is mini app store which will provide you mode android applications with extra different features to browse and experience such as : . FOUADWH/FMWH/GBWH . Hide online status. . Download other people status. . Anti delete messages. . Send photos from gallery as 90 images at once. . Send high resolution images up to 50MB. So that the quality of the photo is not reduced. . Send video files up to 700MB. . video status up to 30 minutes without cropping. . More emoji variants. . And many more. . GB INSTAG MODE . Can download images. . Can download Videos. . Can download other people stories . . Other user cant see you have joined their livestream . . YOTUPE MODE . You Can lock your device while seeing video. .Enjoy Yotupe Mode without any ads. . Premium settings – Right swipe balance volume / Left swipe balance brightness . . WPSO MODE . Edit and Save w