Loco Cabs is a cab booking app that helps you get the nearest and cheapest cabs across all the major operators in India for your local and outstation taxi rides.
Switching between multiple cab apps is no longer required like Ola Cabs App,Taxi for sure,uber,meru cabs,Tabcab,Mega cabs, EasyCabs,Jugnoo auto. Loco is an app for all taxi cabs service in India
Loco is a all in one app for cab booking. You can now search compare and book across 85+ cities in India.
With the LocoCabs, you can:
Find the nearest cab or taxi
· Compare availability,time and fares of different radio cabs.
· Get the fare breakup for your ride with our taxi fare calculator.
· View surge pricing of cab operators.
· Book and cancel a ride directly from the App.
· Get exclusive deals,discount and free coupons from taxi operators in your area by using our “Deals” section.
Find the cheapest and best taxi cabs for outstation,local use packages and airport drops. Choose between loc