#################### Attention ###################this theme only run at GO Keyboard 0.3.1 or later.#################### Attention ###################Cowboy theme for GO Keyboard, designed by GO Keyboard Dev Team.Getting this COOL theme to make your GO Keyboard more lovely and colorful.☆This is not a standalone app, you need to download the LATEST version of GO Keyboard app in order to apply this theme. (Search “GO Keyboard” to download)☆To apply the theme within GO Keyboard Pro,download it from GOKeyboardsettings->Display settings->Select Theme. After downloaded, it will displayed in "Theme" Tab, click and apply it. ☆To rate the theme:settings->Display settings->Select-> Theme Rate GO Keyboard theme gokeyboardthemekeyword:GO Keyboard theme go keyboard skin gokeyboardskin gokeyboardtheme GO cowboy GO SMS Pro theme gosmstheme Contactstheme,GOContactstheme GOContacts Contactstheme