You can also choose a picture from the pictures or backgrounds of the dinner, the way it is presented, and what is served with the dinner of all kinds and forms around the world, and set it as a background for your device.
You can use pictures and backgrounds of dinner, the way it is presented, and what is served with dinner in its different types and forms around the world, Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr, and put with it the appropriate phrases and on other occasions.
Through the application, you can share dinner, the way it is presented, and what is served with dinner in its different types and forms around the world with your family, friends and loved ones on social networking sites and others.
كما يمكنك ان تختار صورة من صور او خلفيات العشاء وطريقه تقديمة وماذا يقدم مع العشاء بانواعه واشكاله المختلفه حول العالم وتضعها خلفيه لجهازك الخاص بك .
يمكنك ا