Tulip is a genus of 100 species of flowering plants belonging to the lily family. It is native to Europe, the Maghreb, Asia, Anatolia, Iran, eastern and northeastern China and Japan.
The flowers are usually large, showy, brightly colored, and are usually red, pink, yellow, or white (usually in warm colors).
A winter onion that has a turban-shaped flower that varies in colors and lengths according to its quality, and is distinguished by its longevity, even after being picked. It has a very romantic aura because of its elegance and beauty. It was also of great economic importance in Europe during the so-called tulip madness. It remains to this day a symbol of love, elegance and beauty.
التوليب (بالإنجليزية: Tulip) ويُسمّى في العربية اللَعْلَع،< هو جنس يتبعه 100 نوع من النباتات المزهرة التابعة للفصيلة الزنبقية. من مواطنه الأصلية أوروبا، المغرب العربي، آ