You can also choose a picture from the images or backgrounds of a double wedding ring of gold, a wedding ring for the husband of gold in different shapes and types, and a wedding ring for the wife of different types and shapes in different places around the world and set it as a background for your device.
You can use pictures and backgrounds of a double wedding ring of gold, a wedding ring for the husband, of gold in different forms and types, and a wedding ring for the wife of different types and shapes in different places around the world, or Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr, and put with them the appropriate phrases and on other occasions.
كما يمكنك ان تختار صورة من صور او خلفيات خاتم زواج مزدوج من ذهب خاتم زواج للزوج من ذهب باشكل وانواع مختلفه وخاتم زواج للزوجه بانواع واشكال مختلفه في اماكن مختلفه حول العالم وتضعها خلفيه لجهاز